Do you dream of having a yard full of flowers that can be enjoyed and harvested from much of the year?

There’s no better time than now to bring that dream to life.

Because flower gardens have the power to transform your spirit along with your spaces.

And we believe you should feel the joy + satisfaction that comes from adorning your home with flowers you grew yourself.

When you have a yard of ingredients with which to create floral arrangements, inspiration is constant and nature becomes your creative muse.

However, we understand the overwhelm that can often stop you from taking the leap to transform that patch of grass into a pollinator haven.

Which is why we offer garden consultations to help bring your cottage garden dreams to life,

helping you take out the guesswork and providing you with a solid foundation to get started.

So instead of spending hundreds of dollars buying (and killing) seeds + plants just hoping they’ll work in your space, investing a small amount into a consultation will not only save you money, but also time and frustration.

Garden consultations include:

-a site visit* where we discuss your vision for the space

-a PDF of planting suggestions based off of your growing space, needs, time available for gardening, and color preferences, delivered to you within one week of your consult. we strive to include the perfect mix of annuals, perennials, and natives to give you a full season of blooms.

-the PDF will be your shopping list to help you confidently go the nursery knowing what will thrive and create all season beauty within your space.

cost: $225

*on site visits are for locations with 30 miles of 4995 Rockfish Gap Turnpike. Virtual visits can be arranged if you’re outside of that zone.

Need more than a curated shopping list to get you started?

There’s the option to extend our services via

-a detailed garden design plan and sketch

-plant sourcing and delivery to your home

-plant placement and installation


-monthly check ins

Custom packages tailored to your needs begin at


Ready to make this year your most beautiful one yet?

Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch to schedule your consultation! **

**We currently only offer consultations for those with small growing spaces (under 1/4 acre) and a desire to do some of the planting and maintenance themselves. Also, please note that though we can recommend hardscaping features if you opt to have a full custom design plan created for you, we do not offer installation of those items at this time.